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Oct 13, 2018

Don't want to miss, Nokia Prepare Gaming Smartphone

13 October Posted by foodrecipes

Some Android smartphone vendors are now plunging into the segment of gaming smartphones, and in the future more and more manufacturers will compete in the segment. As if they don't want to lose competition, Nokia also seems to want to compete with its competitors in the smartphone gaming segment.

The news is known thanks to the company's branch for India which has recently uploaded new teasers on all the company's social media channels. The teaser contains information about Nokia's plan to introduce a gaming smartphone. In the 10-second video, it shows several game scenes and looks of the new Nokia smartphone in the form of three blue lights. 

Previously, leaks regarding the latest Nokia smartphones have appeared in the form of screen panel photos that are thought to belong to Nokia 9 (or Nokia 8.1) and Nokia X7 (or Nokia 7.1 Plus), where both display panels are present without notches or bangs. It is not yet known whether one of the two new smartphones will become Nokia's gaming smartphone, or the company has another series to compete in the gaming segment.